English Language Skills



  • Identifying Sentence Elements
  • Recognizing Sentence Patterns & Sentence Structures
  • The Parts of Speech – Verbs, Pronouns, Adjectives, Articles, Adverbs, Conjunctions, and Prepositions
  • Keeping Words in Order
  • Using Comparative Word Forms
  • Joining Sentences through Coordination & Subordination and with Pronouns
  • Punctuating Sentences
  • Effective Questioning Techniques
  • Repairing Run-ons and Correcting Comma Splices


  • Develop a complete understanding of the Basic Grammatical Terms and Sentence Structures
  • Create awareness of the Parts of Speech, what they mean, and how they work in sentences.
  • Explain and illustrate the Basic Sentence Patterns and how they express meaning
  • Build knowledge of Verbs in all their forms, tenses, and modes

Course Name English Language Skills (ELS)
Objective To provide insights into the key rules of the English Language that constitutes a gateway to Syntax Development
Duration 32 Hrs
Instructor Makarand Parkhi (29 years of experience in Business Management)
Pre-requisites No prerequisites
Training Methodologies PowerPoint Presentations, Conceptual Discussion, Exercises and Assignments, Interactive Activities
Target Audience People who have challenges in Sentence Construction and Delivery due to lack of understanding of the Grammatical Terminology
Recommended next course Writing Skills, Oral Communication
Assessment Evaluation and Feedback
Training Mode Virtual (Instructor–led)